
Friday, March 5, 2010

Wine Cork Votive

I Love Wine.

A couple of weeks ago a girlfriend and I went to this cute wine bar... very sheek and modern! On our table was this adorable wine work votive, of course I was inspired and wanted to make my own!

So this is the original one. I wasn't to fond of the bells (seemed to holiday'ish)...

...and ta da! Here is my edition! Instead of using the bells I just weaved ribbon inbetween.

I guess you could use a collection of wine corks, I am too picky and had to have them be all the same. I just used flower wire to assemble and purchased a clear votive at target for $1.

Which do you like better? The bells? Or Ribbon? What would other ideas could you use?

Leave a comment, tell me what you think...


  1. oooh i like i like! and of course you would have to have all matching corks :) haha but i like the bells too though! maybe you could put something like a small decorative pendant in the middle of each instead of bells? either way it's cute :)

  2. cute!

    I'm hosting a giveaway a@ my blog!! Stop by and check it out!!

  3. I would like to order two please! When can I expect my products to be shipped?

    Love it sister!

  4. Ribbon! But I love ribbon! Really cute!

  5. Hi!! Just letting you know that you won the Tote Giveaway @ Made By Stephie!!

    Send your info to and I'll get it out to you ASAP!!


  6. Great improvement with the ribbon! I am thinking i need to save some corks! and find some green ribbon:)

  7. That is pretty nifty. I'm not very crafty, but I think even I could do this. Ohhh idea...instead of wine corks use flowers and then waa-laa you have instant teacher gift. Bet my girls would love making that.

    Stopping by from Follow Friday! Now a follower.

  8. I like them both a lot. Can you just buy wine corks at the craft store?

  9. Happy Follow Friday

    Following You From...

    Hope You Come By!

  10. Hi there! Just popping in to follow your blog on Friday Follow. Hope you can visit mine!

    Bridgette Groschen
    The Groschen Goblins

  11. Love both!

    Following from Friday Follow, hope you can visit and follow back.. See you.

  12. Definitely the ribbons. Way cool!

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Follow and so glad you joined in this week! I am now your blog follower. See you again next Friday.

    ~ Lynn

  13. Hey there, found you on FF. I actually like both of them and would definitely use them as a centerpiece or decoration at an outdoors event. LOVE IT!!

    I am now following. :) You have so many comments on this post. But, if you make it to me, follow back at

    I would be much appreciative. :)

  14. I LOVE these!!! I like the ribbon too!

  15. okay that might be the cutest votive candle holder ever!! Adorable, thank you for sharing!

  16. I have loooads of wine bottles, I mean, corks about... :)

    This is a great project and would make a stunning party table center piece!

    Thanks for linking up to my PARTY Link Party!

    Oh, please don't forget to place the party button on your post so others can join us too? :)


  17. Very cute! I love all things wine!

  18. I am having a bridal shower (at the winery) and this is so going to be on the tables....I think I will use glass beads and ribbon for mine....thanks for the inspiration!

  19. I've been saving corks so I can make a couple of these. :) I'm having to drink quite a bit more than normal to acquire enough, but I like to do things the hard way!
