
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cheese Cloche Redo

Cheese Cloche & A Candle Holder....

I have seen so many different ideas using both the cheese cloche & a candle holder/base. My favorite redo is over at House of Hepworths but there are so many different styles and ways to do this project the possibilites are endless! 

It took me awhile to find these two items, searching high and low between good will and garage sales I finally came across two that I like!

I found the cheese cloche at a local garage sale for $1! And the candle base I found at an antique expo for $5. The cheese cloche was in very good shape, so I didn't even have to prep or prime it. I used E6000 glue (this stuff is amazing!) and glued the two together. Then I added a couple coats of spray paint... and here is my finished product.....

As I mentioned, there are so many different ideas out there for these, and all of them are truly amazing. It is rewarding to see how two simple household items can pair together for this great project! I chose to put lemons in my dome, but a lot of women have used an assortment of things... ranging from fruit, cheese, brownies, cupcakes, candy, to even a bird's nest with robin eggs. 

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Hi! I'm visiting from The Girl Creative for New Friend Friday! I absolutely love that project! Super cute! What color/brand spray paint did you use? The blue is perfect! I love your blog and I'll definitely be back to check out more! :)

  2. So cute! The color is sublime. (Isn't that a great word?) Anyway, have a great weekend!

  3. great color on that! :)

    happy saturday. :)


  4. OMG adorable! I love the base and I double-love the color! I wish I were bolder with color!

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths

  5. I would LOVE if you would share this on my facebook fan page. Just upload a picture or two to my photo album. Please feel free to add a link back to your site.

    Here's a link to my fan page: of Hepworths

    My fan page photo album needs a little love from you. ;)

    Thank you so much!!

    ~Allison @ House of Hepworths
