
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dinning Room Chair Turned Accent Piece

CraigsList Find! 
I was searching through CraigsList last month and meandered my way to the "free stuff". I came across two slightly hideous chairs and thought to myself, what a fun project!!! Oh yeah, immediately called my mom to have her pick them up for me (thanks mom!- they were in the same city she lives in and they would have not fit in my car!).

How gross is this? Only one of the chairs made it for the remodel, the other one was in pretty bad condition.

I have been wanting an accent chair for my room for awhile but have just been pushing it aside. I initially wanted to paint the chair a mustard yellow and then use the same fabric from this post Faux Headboard Art. Well come to find out it is a special home decor fabric, and it was going to take three weeks to get to me (I don't have that much patience) and it wasn't on sale from when I had originally bought it. Ughhh....

So taking the original fabric (top) that I had wanted to use, I decided settled on stripes instead. Now the hard part was to decide which color to use.... black stripes with the mustard yellow paint or yellow stripes with black paint. I ended up buying both of the striped fabrics. Next stop was the store for some spray paint (Did you know I am OBSESSED with spray paint?). Of course they have a WHOLE entire aisle of spray paint- and NO mustard yellow. I did end up buying a color I thought would look good, and I tested it on the other chair--- yeah it looked like a school bus.

So by process of elimination I went ahead with the yellow striped fabric and black paint.

I am in LOVE with how it turned out! It looks really good as an accent piece in my room. As mentioned before check out this post and you will see what I am talking about. It was a bit troubling at time trying to figure out how to reupholster this chair... with A LOT of help from my mom (thanks mom!) we were able to pull it together! Definitely learned a lot for next time, but for now next time is A LONG way aways.


  1. It turned out so cute! WAY better than if you painted it yellow!

  2. It looks SO great! I can't believe what a great transformation it is!

  3. Great Job! I am visiting from New Friend Friday! I love what you did with this looks great. I have had some good finds of Craigslist and free is even better right.

  4. Hi Jessica,

    Following you from New Friend Friday. Pls. follow back.

  5. this looks like a chair that you would find at well made! nice work jess! =)
