
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's May ALREADY? Updates!

I can't believe it's already the end of May! Where has twenty eleven gone?! It's been months MONTHS since my last update, and even longer since I actually posted something to do with crafting! Thought I'd fill you in on what I have been doing and how my trip to India was...
As I mentioned in my last post I am an opening team trainer for California Pizza Kitchen. In January I was in Boston, and then late February I got the chance to do an international opening in Mumbai, India! It was an amazing experience and I am very grateful that I was given the opportunity to experience such an amazing country!

On our morning walk, or anytime of the day actually, wild cows would be roaming the streets of the city. 

This is the biggest tourist attraction in Mumbai. The Taj Hotel and the Gateway of India. Behind the Taj Hotel the streets are lined with tons of street vendors and markets, lots of shopping! 

One of the last days I was there, I got a traditional mehndi (henna) on my left arm. It is typically done for holidays, celebrations, and for weddings. Before the wedding the bride gets both of her hands and arms (up to the elbow) and both feet and legs (up to the knee) done. The groom also get some done to match.

I was the bartender trainer at this opening. This picture is of my bartender trainees and I after a day of training and making some delicious drinks! I had an awesome time training them, and they taught me so much about their culture and city! 

Here it is! The second location in Mumbai, India! After working VERY long days, trying to function off of very little sleep, and adapting to the culture shock.... opening day opened as scheduled and was a success! 

I h.e.a.r.t. Seattle! 
(The Space Needle is barely visible on the top right side.)
I was SOOO happy to touch ground in Seattle after being gone for a month (again!) and enduring a 16 hour flight from India to Newark, a 5 hour layover and then a lovely 5 hour flight from Newark to Seattle! The first thing I did was drive straight to McDonalds and get a juicy cheeseburger, I had MAJOR withdrawals! 

Now that I've actually paid a little attention to my blog and have updated it... Now it's time to CRAFT! I have a lot of projects in the works and even more brewing up my mind! 

Stay tuned.....

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