
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dollar Store Birds

Cheap Cheap Bird Make Over

I bought these birds at the Dollar Tree and wasn't sure what I was going to do with them. It is difficult to see in the picture but the main body of the bird is actually textured with sand. 

I decided to just spray paint them a slightly lighter color... I used:
I like using this spray paint because it has a gloss finish.

Here is the finished product:

I feel like these pictures just do not do justice! You aren't able to tell how much better they look, but they do! Before they looked very cheap (well probably because they were...) They look SO much better with just a coat of spray paint (and now the sand isn't getting all over the place either). I have seen numerous ceramic birds around at places like Pier One, Pottery Barn, Cost Plus World Market ranging from $5 to $12 a bird. 

Total Cost For Me:
I already had the spray paint on hand :)

Linking up to:

Show and Tell Green


  1. These look great! They are so cute!

  2. I think the birds look fantastic!! Spray Paint is my BFF!

    Your blog is adorable!

  3. Awesome job! You're right - birds are everywhere right now and for $5 and up! Boo high prices - Yay affordable creativity! :D

    stopping by from HoH!

  4. Those birds are too cute! I have one I spray painted from the dollar store, but mine is not near as cute as yours. I love the design on them! I am going to be poking around your blog for a while... :)

  5. I love your birdy transformation! I can never find birds at my dollar stores and it makes me sad! Yours are beautiful! :)

    ~Amanda @Looking Glass Jewels

  6. you've got a cute blog yourself! :) would you do me a favor? :)

    head on over to my blog. click on links, and add your blog to my mr. linky so i don't lose your blog addy! :)

    hope you have a fab day!


  7. So cute!! I left you an award on my blog!!! YAY!!!

  8. Im your new follower from new friends friday. Thanks for the visit and following my blog. happy friday and happy memorial day.
