
Friday, May 28, 2010

How To Make A Wine Cork Wreath

Wine Corks!
So I have been hoarding collecting wine corks for about a year now and have been brainstorming ideas on how I can use them. (Check out my wine cork votive post!)

Anyways, now I have more than I know what to do with.
Over Christmas my mom and I decided to make a wine cork wreath. I l.o.v.e. the way it turned out!

Here is how to make a Wine Cork Wreath:
You can use any size wreath, I used a straw wreath on my first one... but the Dollar Tree sells grapevine wreaths and they work just as good. On a 10' inch size wreath you need about 200+ corks. Simply start by using a hot glue gun and placing the corks side by side (as seen below).

I sorted out my wine corks so the ones that I had multiple of, I set aside and used them at the base. Leaving the ones that were "special" or "unique" to be places on top.

Then just randomly place your favorite corks on top and Ta Da!
With all the wine corks I have accumulated my mother has been going on a wreath frenzy... she even bought some grape and vines to wrap around. I like it just plain and simple, but I guess you could change out ribbon or flowers to be seasonal.

*I do apologize for the crappy pictures, they were taken on my phone... as my camera is currently "hiding" somewhere.


  1. I'm in love with you...oh and your wreath is pretty cool, too;)

  2. what a neat project! thanks for sharing it!


  3. This is really cute, I think I might have to drink a ton of wine so I can make one.

  4. Love this! I keep my wine corks too ~ right now they are just displayed in a large clear vase. Can't wait to make one of these ~ thanks for the idea :)

  5. Cute! I love the random one! Great way to show off all the fun you had drinking it all!

  6. I featured you this week. Great project!

  7. Thank you! I can now show my husband WHY I am saving my wine corks! :)
